Version: [593] OpenQuake Integrated Risk Modelling Toolkit 3.3.1

* When an OQ-Engine output can't be extracted, the error is handled
and the full response message is logged
* Fixed loader for aggregated Average Asset Losses Statistics
OQ-Engine output
* All calls to the OQ-Engine "extract" API are logged
* Fixed a bug that caused the log verbosity to be always set to
"warning", instead of reading it correctly from user settings
* More stable connection with the OQ-Engine server, preventing issues
while reading the console log of a calculation
* Added instructions about how to workaround a bug that occurs on
macOS while importing matplotlib.pyplot on matplotlib v3.0.0
* Fixed updating the status of the toolbar button that shows/hides the
IRTM Data Viewer
* Added the possibility to 'Abort' an OQ-Engine calculation
* When saving plugin settings, any dialog driving the oq-engine is
* When the connection with the oq-engine server is lost, the plugin
attempts to reconnect 3 times before displaying an error
* For uniform hazard spectra layers, poe and return_period are saved
as customProperties, and they are displayed in UHS plots
* Ported to qgis3 the conversion of layer style to the format accepted
by Geoserver
* Fixed a bug loading hazard maps loading one layer per realization or
* Updated installation instructions
* The loader for hazard maps was updated, fixing compatibility with
the OQ-Engine after a change in the output format
* Hazard maps can be loaded as one layer per realization/statistic or
as multiple layers, per each combination of
* It is possible to load hazard curves for a selected combination of
realization/statistic and intensity measure type
* Intensity measure levels are casted to float when possible, fixing a
plotting issue in hazard curves with IMT=PGV
* The cursor does not switch to "waiting" while refreshing the
OQ-Engine calculation list
* When feedback is shown outside the dialog that drives the OQ-Engine,
a message suggests the user where to look
* Added loaders for dmg_by_event and losses_by_event, from csv
(disabled for event-based calculations)
* Outputs of a selected oq-engine calculation are sorted by name in
alphabetical order
* The button to download a calculation datastore remains disabled
until the calculation is complete (and its size is known)
* The button to download the datastore of a oq-engine calculation
displays the corresponding size
* Added the possibility to plot loss curves aggregated by tag in event
based risk
* Plugin migrated to QGIS3 (with PyQt5, Python3)
* Removed dialog to aggregate losses by zone (replaced by "Join
attributes by location (summary)" algorithm in the processing
* All the aggregations of losses/damages by zone leverage algorithms
of the processing toolbox, running as tasks in separate threads
* When loading OQ-Engine outputs that can be aggregated by zone, if
the option to run the aggregation is checked, the ok button is
disabled until a valid zonal layer is loaded
* Files produced by the OQ-Engine are downloaded in separate threads,
displaying a progress bar while streaming
* When loading Ground Motion Fields for scenario calculations, the
names of the GMPEs are displayed instead of the realization names
* When loading a OQ-Engine output as layer, the engine version is
saved as a custom property of the layer
* When exporting data with the Data Viewer, the versions of the
OQ-Engine and of the plugin are saved on top of the output file
* While driving the OQ-Engine, the engine version and the url of the
connected engine server are displayed on top of the window
* Layers loaded from OQ-Engine outputs store as custom properties the
versions of the OQ-Engine and of the IRMT plugin
* The dependency from SAGA was removed (aggregation of points by zone
is performed by the plugin, internally)
* Ruptures imported from the OQ-Engine can be styled automatically by
tectonic region type or by magnitude
* Improved visualization of aggregate outputs in the Data Viewer
* Fixed styling of scenario damage after aggregating damage by zone
* Fixed selection/deselection of tag values in aggregate
losses/damages visualization in the Data Viewer
* After aggregating loss/damage by zone, the layer containing points
is made invisible
* Added loaders for realizations and sourcegroups, from csv
* Added the loader for Average Asset Losses Statistics and the
visualization of aggregated values in the Data Viewer
* Default styles for layers imported from OQ-Engine outputs depend on
the output type
* When importing damages or losses from the OQ-Engine and aggregating
them by zone, only sums are added to the zonal layer,
and the zonal layer is automatically styled, classifying with respect
to the sum of losses/damage
* Fixed a bug that prevented from loading existing projects from the
OpenQuake Platform
* It is possible to check the connection with the OQ-Platform or with
the OQ-Engine from within the plugin settings dialog
* The visualization of OQ-Engine risk outputs is now described in the
user manual








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