A plugin to classify selected raster file with reference
Supervised Classifier: A plugin to classify selected raster file with reference..
The Supervised Classifier Plugin for QGIS is a powerful tool designed to facilitate the classification of satellite images using unsupervised learning algorithms.
This plugin provides an easy-to-use interface for loading satellite images and selecting from a variety of supervised classification methods, including "Minimum Distance", "Random Forest", "SVM" and KNN. Also working on "Maximum Likelihood" algorithm as well.
Key Features: User-Friendly Interface, Multiple Algorithms, Seamless Integration, Flexible
To use this Tool follow the below steps:
1. Click on the tool or chose "Raster" menu --> "MAS Raster Processing" menu item --> "Supervised Classifier" option.
2. Select 'Stack Image' or Image as Input and select output folder name.
3. Select classification method.
4. Adjust all parameters according to your needs. Select the field of the Reference Shapefile which has the labels for the classification and check mark on "Want to save the trained model?"
if you wants save the trained model (except "Minimum Distance" model).
Select the "No of Iterations:" to trained the model (except "Minimum Distance" model).
5. Decide do you wants to open the output or not.
6. Click on "Classify" button.
**Note: After installation make sure the following points;
1. Check Mark the Installed plugins (under 'Manage and Install Plugins...' menu).
2. Check Mark 'MAS Raster Processing' toolbar (by right click on toolbar).
3. Issues (please take a look):
[ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn' #1](https://github.com/Mirjan-Ali-Sha/supervised_classifier/issues/1)
For more details please visit 'homepage'.
Version | QGIS >= | QGIS <= | Date | |||
0.2 | - | 3.0.0 | 3.99.0 | 4340 | mirjanalisha | 2024-07-06T15:05:48.862053+00:00 |
0.1 | - | 3.0.0 | 3.99.0 | 645 | mirjanalisha | 2024-06-22T18:16:02.193283+00:00 |
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