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Short Path

Plugin ID: 2332

Find shortest path between points based on line (network) layer.

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This plugin is for finding shortest path between two point layers based on one line layer used as a network layer. Plugin was inspired by water utility network maintenance process where Loggers are sensors and Leaks are faults on the pipeline. Pipe network - line layer (should have attributes like a pipe diameter, pipe material, etc) Leak - point layer (should have ID, Logger ID, lat, long attributes) Logger - point layer (should have ID, lat, long attributes) For the path finding is used Dijkstra's algorithm and output is a new memory line layer with same attributes as a network layer plus full length attribute. Download test layers package here:

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
0.1 3.0.0 3.99.0 2312 rewaza 2021-02-26T17:54:30.645635+00:00

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