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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [740] qgis2web 3.21.0

2024/06/07 3.21.0 organized appearance tab and added Title export variable,
cluster choice visible only if layer is point and with single symbol, project
title in 4 corners, dynamic size for svg icons in layerswitcher, openlayers:
added project "Abstract" description export, openlayers: restored geocoder icon
in preview window, openlayers: greatly simplified and organized js and css
export code - now ol-controls elemets acquire automatic position, adjusted
custom color and background for all ol-controls elements, disabled "popup on
hover" and "highlight on hover" if mouse pointer is over an ol-control element,
same svg usable for categorized or graduated symbol with different symbologies
properties, leaflet: adjusted width of layerswitcher elements in case of
categorized or graduated symbology, leaflet: adjusted popup size in case of
presence of media, update WIKI documentation
2024/05/13 3.20.0 openlayers: popup is able to show videos supported by the
browser, fixed popup's height and width, image and video contents (thanks to
@JanKirchhoff), commented projection's extension in layers.js and qgis2web.js
files, svg icon is clearly visible in legend even in case of large dimensions
(svg icon is shown directly, not qgis png's legend) (thanks to @geraldo),
support for colored svg icons (fill and border) - leaflet: .js and .css files
referring to layerslist are stored in the export folder only if layerslist is
visible, fixed svg icons border width - updated writeAsVectorFormat function
that was deprecated (thanks to @agiudiceandrea), updated WIKI documentation
2024/03/26 3.19.0 qgis2web supports layer groups - both OpenLayers and Leaflet
exports achieve layer groups (non-nested) exportability - adapt the 'highlight
on hover' and 'popup on hover' functionalities to work when layer groups are
present - groups and layers' list is sorted as in QGIS and layer groups contains
layers - "Popups" choice is positioned as the last item in the list options,
becomes a drop-down menu, closes if check is not selected and disappears if
there are no exportable popup fields - "Popup fields" ' attributes are displayed
in italics and are aligned in the same column as the parent - "visibility" and
"popups" choices for groups are removed (currently unnecessary) - Introduced a
new layerswitcher for Leaflet export, thanks to @jjimenezshaw - Excluded WIKI
and Preview functionality for Linux users who are unable to install and use
QtWebKit (So the plugin will launch and be usable without these features) -
openlayers export acquires by default declutter:false - xyz openlayers layers do
not acquire type:base by default (with only one basemap, it's possible to
disable it to have a white background) - fix export for text-field that contains
more then 255 characters, thanks to @anonymous378 - Fix highlighting of
multi-point and multi-line geometries for both OpenLayers and Leaflet - Fix
Leaflet error for mouse out of cluster: "[i].resetStyle is
not a function" - Modified WIKI graphics for better readability (navigation menù
at the top)
2024/03/20 3.18.3 Fixed blocking bug. It is now possible to read the new value
format of the symbollayer color property since QGIS version 3.36
2024/02/20 3.18.2 Online WIKI section merges with Help tab of qgis2web.
Repository's Docs folder is created, which is displayed online as GitHub pages,
and locally loaded into qgis2web's WIKI tab (instead of Help).
2024/02/12 3.18.1 Restored layer title in openlayers/leaflet layerswitcher in
absence of style - Fixed bug: now openlayers popup is visible on click even if
"highlight on hover" setting is active, thanks to @cukavac - Greatly improved
OpenLayers popup graphics, both for desktop and smartphone - Added
"popuplayertitle" variable in layer, which allows printing layer title in
openlayers popup - Added maximum height and width for images in
openlayers/leaflet popup - Fixed bug: features data set as clusters are now
shown in openlayers popup both on click and with active hover - Fixed the
problem of different popups on the first click and on the second - Changed
overlay-pane z-index. Measurement now appears above the basemaps and layers, as
well as the popup, as well as geolocate user
2024/01/22 3.18.0 Fixed the representation of dash lines, dot lines and dash-dot
lines for lines, polylines and polygon strokes for both openlayers and leaflet
export - Added Set All combo box which allows you to set the layer list options
massively - Fix apostrophes or double quotes in layer names or in legend values
- If layer's style is "No Symbols" the layer's name will not be visible in
2023/12/18 3.17.2 Disable Mapbox GL JS export, new openlayers geocoder: fix its
marker and smartphone view, reorganized OpenLayers/Leaflet folders, fix
openlayers layerswitcher height which did not allow the use of the pointer in
the part occupied by the element.
2023/12/09 3.17.1 Fix openlayers wms query: now visible in the popup, only
visible layers on the map will be queried, not all; the tables returned by the
WMS server will have a defined text size, a loading icon has been added which
makes it clear that the click on the map has been made and that the popup is
waiting for the remote WMS server to respond.
2023/11/28 3.17.0 For openlayers export: added area measurement, fix popup if
measurement not completed, modified the drawing style now visible on both light
and dark backgrounds, added graphic tips for opening and closing measurement
drawing, deactivating measurement deletes measurement drawings
2023/11/28 3.16.1 Software consolidation prior to major changes
2020/06/15 3.16.0 Mapbox GL JS 1.11.0, Leaflet raster zIndex, Leaflet filtered
labels, Leaflet filter with special characters in column name, OL centre on
layer search result
2020/06/01 3.15.1 Fix Leaflet XYZ layers
2020/05/29 3.15.0 MBGLJS measure, remove MBGLJS match CRS, MBGLJS geolocate,
MBGLJS address search, Leaflet XYZ without zmin, OL geocoder
2020/05/15 3.14.0 MBGLJS 1.10.0, MBGLJS fixes, OL projection, OL geolocation, OL
address search, OL measure, OL layer search
2020/04/08 3.13.0 Leaflet 1.6.0, OL 6.3.1, MBGLJS layer list colours, MBGLJS
layer list order, MBGLJS pseudoclasses, MBGLJS layer with no fields, Leaflet
field label apostrophes, MBGLJS field label apostrophes, MBGLJS style error, OL
CRS, Leaflet WMTS, Leaflet XYZ/WMTS layer order, OL field name apostrophes,
Autolinker slowdown
2020/01/13 3.12.1 OL no labels, Travis
2020/01/10 3.12.0 Mapbox GL JS layers list, processing algorithm error, shorten
popup links, OL label colour
2019/10/30 3.11.0 Mapbox GL JS popups, popup value localization (thanks,
Alasdair Rae!), Leaflet clear filter alignment, Leaflet pattern fill hover
2019/10/30 3.10.0 Mapbox GL JS background colour, apostrophes in Leaflet
filters, popup images, Mapbox GL JS XYZ tiled rasters, Leaflet filter reset,
Leaflet date filter, Leaflet null records in filters, Mapbox GL JS layer zIndex,
autoclose Leaflet filter date picker, correct changelog
2019/10/18 3.9.0 Experimental Mapbox GL JS support, Leaflet labels with
underscore in layer name, Leaflet label error, Leaflet heatmap, Leaflet no
symbols renderer, attribution uses HTTPS, QGIS in attribution, catch dev console
crash, Leaflet scale-dependent tile layers (thanks, @jaminmelville), fix
tile_json import, fix 2.5D detection (thanks, @tfh-galbraith!), correct
changelog in metadata
2019/07/29 3.8.0 Filter by attribute support for Leaflet, abstract export for
Leaflet, support for non interactive layers
2019/05/09 3.7.0 Leaflet 1.5.1, Leaflet SVG markers, overlapping features in OL
popup, new expression functions (thanks, TodoInTX!)
2019/03/19 3.6.0 Leaflet 1.4.0, OL 5.3.0, remove WMTS GetCapabilities from
Leaflet GetTile requests, Leaflet multiple WMS without GetFeatureInfo, disabled
labels, close dialog on project close, OL measure, OL apostrophes in field
2019/02/12 3.5.0 Correct QGIS3 template location in README, fix processing
arguments (thanks, @shivareddyiirs!), fix expressions, handle apostrophe in
Leaflet layers list, Leaflet XYZ visibility, fix OL layers list XYZ title, add
Leaflet WMS(T)/XYZ attribution
2018/11/16 3.4.0 Support many more geometry types (thanks @boesiii!), move
Leaflet qgis2web attribution to prefix, Leaflet raster scale-dependent
visibility, correct 3.3.1 changelog in metadata.txt
2018/10/15 3.3.1 OL layer visibility, OL categorized label buffer, OL
categorized label placement, OL scale-dependency
2018/09/25 3.3.0 OpenLayers 5, vector tiles without API key, OL ungrouped vector
tiles, OL categorized vector tiles, Leaflet labels, icon colour profiles,
support polygonZM, Leaflet trailing attribution comma, update proj4js, unset
"value" error, replace debug libs with source maps, remove CDN option, OL
geocoder local, Leaflet reduce geolocate maxzoom, correct README, OL label
2018/07/20 3.2.0 Customizable widget colours (thanks, @paulds8!), Python 3 time
(thanks, @shivareddyiirs!), LineStringZ/M (thanks, @boesiii!), disable
intermittent tests, Leaflet cluster layers list, OL stroke: no pen, raw strings
in exp2js
2018/05/18 3.1.1 Flickering OL markers (thanks, @ahocevar!), LinestringM, OL
no-brush fill
2018/05/02 3.1.0 OpenLayers 4.6.5, update Docker images, reinstate vector tiles,
Unicode Leaflet title, vector export encoding error, further processing
migration (WIP)
2018/04/17 3.0.1 Leaflet else-only rules, patterns in rules, Leaflet cat/grad
patterns, reinstate try: for testDump, OL grid, PEP8 compliance improved
2018/02/22 3.0.0 First full QGIS3 release, basemaps removed, fixed OL graduated
2018/01/30 2.99.1 Further QGIS3 migration
2017/12/13 2.99.0 Initial QGIS3 experimental version
2017/12/04 2.32.0 Upgrade to OL 4.5.0, export styled vector tiles imported with
Vector Tiles Reader (experimental), OL declutter, OL grid, map units, coalesce
expressions function, time2web fixes, Leaflet layer search, OL match CRS, OL
label along lines, OL WFS, exclude OpenLayers plugin layers, rule-based is25d(),
OL proj4js local
2017/11/07 2.31.0 WMS getFeatureInfo, OL border "no pen", Leaflet
scale-dependent labels, improve Leaflet cluster, OL match CRS
2017/10/31 2.30.0 Deduplicate Leaflet style code, fix swapped raster
width/height, Leaflet layer code refactor, deduplicate Leaflet legend code,
handle strange negative symbolLayerCount(), handle null in Leaflet categorized,
remove erratic Leaflet categorized WFS tests, upgrade from PEP8 to pycodestyle,
use sudo _H in Travis pip install
2017/10/17 2.29.0 OL refactor, remove unused exception handling, refactor
is25d(), fix layer search, fix OL label font, extend coverage tests, remove
unused style code, remove unused imports, avoid unnecessary raster reprojection,
remove unused function arguments, add tests, clear project between tests, use
rednose, handle MultiPolygonZM
2017/09/26 2.28.0 OL line pattern fill, fix OL expressions, Leaflet popup
images, avoid layer name duplication, popup size, OL clusters, code tidy, reduce
unnecessary log messages
2017/09/23 2.27.1 OL graduated layers broken by Labelgun implementation
2017/09/20 2.27.0 OL overlapping labels via Labelgun (thanks, @JamesMilnerUK!),
increase test coverage, point simple shapes in QGIS 2.14, fix Leaflet line
pattern fill, OL 4.3.3
2017/09/18 2.26.0 Leaflet line pattern fill, Leaflet no layers, Leaflet label
expressions, raise JS errors in Travis
2017/09/11 2.25.0 Leaflet overlapping labels via Labelgun (thanks,
@JamesMilnerUK!), popups in export project processing algorithm, time dialog
raising exception, update README, metadata changelog typo
2017/08/26 2.24.0 Label Leaflet non-point layers, handle null in expressions,
Leaflet reset multistyle highlight, syntax tidy, remove unneeded Leaflet output,
update README
2017/08/23 2.23.1 Fix unicode error (remove debug prints in time functions),
update README
2017/08/23 2.23.0 Time support (thanks, @ruz76!), OL font marker, OL line point
marker, non-numeric categories, Leaflet 1.2.0, OL 4.3.1, improve HTML5
2017/07/19 2.22.0 Leaflet 1.1.0, expressions "NOT IN", Leaflet different symbol
layers in rule-based renders, OL point marker simple shapes fix
2017/06/30 2.21.1 Handle different CRSes for Restrict to extent + Canvas extent,
Unicode attribution error (thanks, @saerdnaer!), fixed Leaflet scale-dependent
layers, fixed Processing: export project
2017/06/19 2.21.0 Added code of conduct, fixed Leaflet highlight on hover,
simple point marker shapes, fixed OL categorized/graduated layers list, add
@rowanwins to credits
2017/06/19 2.20.0 OL clusters improved (thanks, @OlaKov!), missing import in
Leaflet clusters, Debian nightly removed from tests, fixed Leaflet multipoint
multistyle (thanks, @perliedman!), use Leaflet multistyle only when required,
debug option, Leaflet CDN to 1.0.3, OL upgraded to 4.2.0, OL layers list icons
(thanks, @OlaKov!)
2017/06/02 2.19.0 Upgrade OpenLayers to 4.1.1, missing import in expression
parser, exclude Quick Map Services layers in OL, OL label minimum visibility 0,
handle OL SVG in millimetres, (no filter) in expressions
2017/05/19 2.18.0 Leaflet multiple symbol layers (thanks, @perliedman!), fix OL
cluster popups (thanks, @olakov!), OL symbol levels, fix OL point size, fix OL
point outline, fix Leaflet no stroke, update README
2017/05/11 2.17.1 Save raster visible state, handle all Processing/GDAL versions
in raster export, remove unnecessary import
2017/05/09 2.17.0 Enlarge test suite, test 2.5D on LTR, dedupe/refactor vector
export, update, fix Leaflet rule-based layers, fix Leaflet
non-visible rasters
2017/05/03 2.16.3 Fix OL popups (thanks, @OlaKov!), fix layer group bug (thanks,
2017/04/25 2.16.2 Fix Leaflet rule-based layers, fix WKBMultiPoint25D, fix OL3
measure control
2017/04/13 2.16.1 Leaflet scale-dependent clusters, Leaflet clustered layer
search, encoding error
2017/04/12 2.16.0 Remove unused libraries, update README, remove deprecated
code, dedupe raster code, add processing provider/algorithm, fix Leaflet
rasters, fix layer groups, fix Leaflet scale-dependent layers
2017/04/05 2.15.0 Leaflet measure area, fix Leaflet measure, categorize on
numeric fields
2017/03/30 2.14.0 QGIS minimum version to 2.14, fix 2.5d imports, rearrange
layer options
2017/03/25 2.13.0 Missing imports, improve feedback, tweak GUI, feedback option,
categorize on null, preview feature limit option, escape expressions
2017/03/24 2.12.0 Feedback for Leaflet JSON export (thanks, @boesiii!), fix
missing imports
2017/03/22 2.11.0 Feedback object, dialog, and progress bar (thanks,
@nyalldawson!), Leaflet refactor, OL refactor, remove star imports, escape
Leaflet layers list
2017/03/15 2.10.0 Disable auto-preview if layer > 1000 features (thanks,
@nyalldawson!), upgrade Leaflet.Draw to fix measure, fix Pylint test, WMTS
2017/03/13 2.9.0 Collapsed/expanded layers list (thanks, @walkermatt!), more
expression functions, handle switch in config datatype
2017/03/10 2.8.0 Refactor save/restore settings (thanks, @nyalldawson!), escape
category strings, Leaflet simple line, Leaflet no brush, Leaflet fill opacity,
OL overlapping controls, combine layer and colour alpha, Leaflet scale-dependent
label visibility
2017/03/02 2.7.0 FTP (thanks @nyalldawson!), OpenLayers 4, major refactor
(thanks, @nyalldawson!), add lower() expression function, update credits, change
print() to log(), Leaflet address search, Leaflet trailing attribution comma
2017/02/10 2.6.0 Layer attributions, OL3 overlapping controls, remove Leaflet
2017/02/09 2.5.0 Harmonize Leaflet/OL3 output subfolder name, fix WMS, WMS/XYZ
transparency, OL3 XYZ scale-dependent visibility
2017/02/08 2.4.0 Fix default categories, remove single basemap from layers list,
OL3 i18n, fix layer search, fix Leaflet labels, fix OL3 raster, XYZ tileserver
layer support
2017/01/30 2.3.1 Pass WMS version in OL3, Leaflet WMS uppercase, Leaflet
categorize on unicode field, remove commented code
2017/01/27 2.3.0 Expression handling by qgs2js (thanks, @NathanW2!), fix
traceback error, update Leaflet-search, upgrade to Leaflet 1.0.3, expressions in
labels, template overwrite, template warning, Proj4 and Proj4Leaflet updated
2017/01/19 2.2.0 Leaflet busy cursor, add IN, LIKE, NOT LIKE, ILIKE, NOT ILIKE,
IS, IS NOT, ~ operators to expressions, hide non-matches in Leaflet rule-based
2017/01/18 2.1.0 Leaflet scalebar placement, new settings tab, disable preview
on startup option, only export viewport features with 'Restrict to extent',
increase is25d() performance, handle min/maxScale=0, fix preview, fix dev tools,
rule-based renderer, update README, "donate to QGIS button" on Github
2017/01/04 2.0.0 Layer blending modes, help tab error
2016/12/22 2.0.0-beta1 Leaflet refactor, new test WFS layers, Leaflet unicode
category legend icons, Leaflet legend icon sizes, Leaflet categorized/graduated
SVGs, W3C compliance (thanks, @garprogram!), add Stamen terrain background
basemap, handle QGIS WFS typo fix, update Proj4 for Leaflet1.0, disable preview
if QtWebkit unavailable (thanks, @mbernasocchi!), Leaflet style into own file,
add ISSUE_TEMPLATE, correct README, correct CONTRIBUTING, upgrade to Leaflet
1.0.2, upgrade to OL 3.20.1, delete unused files
2016/10/05 1.19.0 Leaflet SVG zIndex, OL3 WMS, Leaflet WFS visibility, remove
redundant Leaflet layer control, OL3 safeName(), reset default Leaflet tooltip
style, crash on plugin reload
2016/10/03 1.19.0-beta1 Upgrade to Leaflet 1.0.0, fix Leaflet layer order
2016/09/23 1.18.0 Point marker rotation
2016/09/20 1.17.0 Scale-dependent labels, Leaflet categorized vector field
marker error, correct metadata changelog
2016/09/16 1.16.1 Improved heatmaps
2016/09/15 1.16.0 Heatmaps
2016/09/14 1.15.1 Only include checked layers in layer search dropdown
2016/09/13 1.15.0 Search layer properties (thanks @ThomasG77 and @boesiii!),
Leaflet categorized SVG error, update README, update wiki
2016/08/25 1.14.1 Fixed save settings to project
2016/08/23 1.14.0 Leaflet handle invalid JS field names, remove hidden fields
from popup label UI, scale bar from QGIS, handle features without geometry,
allow hidden fields as labels, allow hidden fields for cat/grad layers, save
popup label settings
2016/07/28 1.13.1 Leaflet categorized/graduated with special characters in field
2016/07/26 1.13.0 Geolocate on click, MapQuest removed, metadata typo
2016/07/20 1.12.1 WFS in 2.16+, WFS duplicate popup code, updated README
2016/07/15 1.12.0 OS X test environment (thanks, @jnicho02!), label formatting,
hidden fields, remove "Delete unused fields", OL3 CDN to 3.17.1, empty popups,
OL3 popup labels on hover, Leaflet simple line style, cubic resampling, raster
export fallback
2016/07/06 1.11.0 Images overflow popups, relax layer name (thanks,
@lucacasagrande!), popup labels format, remove Mapquest basemaps, OL to 3.17.1,
correct fieldAliases (thanks, @nboisteault!), Leaflet point size, label format,
wiki created, README updated
2016/06/28 1.10.0-FOSS4GUK2016 Popup images (thanks, @GeoSpark!), stylized
rasters (thanks, @lucacasagrande!), OL3 field aliases, OL3 measure/highlight
(thanks, @walkermatt!), OL3 SVGs, QGIS minimum version to 2.8, test output
improved (thanks, @walkermatt!), raster tests, skip raster tests for Travis
2016/06/13 1.9.2 Leaflet decimal labels
2016/06/02 1.9.1 Categorized/graduated 2.5d error
2016/05/25 1.9.0 Upgrade OL3 to 3.16.0, fix Leaflet disappearing points
2016/05/16 1.8.1 Leaflet single polygon border width (thanks, @boesiii!),
integrate Coveralls, say "no" to jQuery in README dev section
2016/05/04 1.8.0 Measure tool: metric/imperial (thanks, @boesiii!), Travis
status on README, Gitter badge on README, dev info in README, test info in
README, coverage info in README, unused functions removed
2016/04/26 1.7.0 Maintain precision option, OL3 transparency, Leaflet CDN,
Leaflet layer visibility, Leaflet apostrophe in field name, 2.5d points, Leaflet
restrict to extent, expand test suite, test on LTR, current, and nightly
(thanks, @m-kuhn!), use QGIS example layers in tests
2016/04/15 1.6.0 Make preview proxy aware, bump OL to 3.15.1, add development
info to README and improve debug instructions
2016/04/12 1.5.1 Basemaps README/Help text clarified, templates read from .qgis,
OL3 "No pen", workaround odd test WFS point layer issue
2016/03/30 1.5.0 OSM B&W basemap added , fix popups (thanks @lucacasagrande and
@walkermatt!), move templates to .qgis2, handle 2.5D lines, README updated
2016/03/21 1.4.0 OL3 layer control rewrite (thanks, @walkermatt!), OL3 point
numeric labels, README updated
2016/03/18 1.3.2 Stop 2.5d renderer altering source layer (thanks,
@nyalldawson!), OL3 non-string labels
2016/03/15 1.3.1 Change symbolForFeature() to symbolForFeature2() (thanks,
2016/03/14 1.3.0 Converted 2.5 layers (thanks, @m-kuhn and @nyalldawson!)
2016/03/09 1.2.1 2.5d OL3 shadows, OL3 point border width and colour
2016/03/04 1.2.0 2.5d OL3 render (thanks, @kekscom!), added credit to 1.1.0
changelog metadata
2016/03/04 1.1.0 ol3-layerswitcher updated (thanks, @walkermatt!), bump to
OL3.14.2, add required polyfills, expand credits, 2.5d Leaflet render (thanks,
2016/02/12 1.0.0 Leaflet JSON categorized/graduated clusters, OL3 raster
scale-dependent visibility, Leaflet unicode field aliases, refactor and fix save
settings, correct canvas-size template, tweak UI, update README
2016/02/05 1.0.0-RC3 Leaflet refactor, Openlayers bumped to 3.13.1, OL3 output
tidy, Leaflet output tidy, qgis2web attribution on maps with no basemaps,
qgis2web attribution on OL3 maps, format OL3 attribution, Leaflet rasters
missing from layers list, remove broken Leaflet Autolinker link, OL3 rasters
misprojected (thanks, @lucacasagrande!), OL3 highlight points (thanks,
@lucacasagrande!), highlight lines (thanks @lucacasagrande!), Leaflet fit to
layers with no map layers, Leaflet layers missing on map load, Leaflet
highlighted layer comes to front, fix Leaflet geocode CSS URL, fix Leaflet
clusters in layers list, handle non-ASCII project and layer names (thanks
@akbargumbira!), Leaflet categorized point layers list, updated README
2016/01/15 1.0.0-RC2 Scale-dependent visibility widget removed from GUI, README
updated, OL upgraded to 3.13.0, web inspector added, OL3 export refactored,
tests refactored, Leaflet export refactored, revert Leaflet styled rasters,
change Leaflet raster export to EPSG:3857
2016/01/15 1.0.0-RC1 LineCap and lineJoin, remove Leaflet border multiplier, OL3
line style bug, OL3 "No brush" fill bug, updated README, Gitter integration
2016/01/11 1.0.0-beta3 Non-full-screen template, save dialog size and position,
Leaflet code cleanup, prevent options horizontal scroll, Leaflet cluster error,
Leaflet rasters only with "Fit to layers", basemaps GUI altered, disable base
layers on Match CRS, 1.0.0-beta2 changelog corrected, more work for rendered
rasters (incomplete)
2016/01/05 1.0.0-beta2 Multiple basemaps, OL3 basemap attribution, OL3 missing
attribute values, template improvements, OL3 raster error, Leaflet raster error,
OL to 3.12.1, add usage instructions to README, initial work for rendered
rasters (incomplete)
2015/12/16 1.0.0-beta1 OL3 measure tool, Leaflet template, bump OL to 3.12.0,
correct Leaflet point size, Leaflet null attributes, update README
2015/12/14 0.40.0 OL3 Geolocate user, OL3 address search
2015/12/10 0.39.0 OL3 clustering (single styles only), Leaflet SVG labels, label
setting removed from GUI, GUI updated, README updated, remove 'null' labels
2015/12/08 0.38.0 OL3 "Match project CRS", OL3 exported JSON now in EPSG:4326
2015/12/04 0.37.0 OL3 remote WFS layers, fix Leaflet "Match project CRS", remove
old Leaflet custom marker code, migrate to new Travis infrastructure, remove
export tests
2015/12/02 0.36.0 Basic test suite complete, Leaflet point SVG markers,
@riccardoklinger and @volaya added to authors
2015/11/24 0.35.0 Leaflet "Delete unused fields", new icon, SVG icon source,
pipe JS errors to Python console, bump Leaflet to 0.7.7, Leaflet stacking order,
implement meaningful unit tests (suite incomplete)
2015/11/11 0.34.0 Leaflet pointToLayer error, README improvements, OL3 upgraded,
fix popup dropdown regression, internationalization improvements, code
improvements, Leaflet info popup settings
2015/11/11 0.33.0 Code improvements, complete style/geometry Leaflet tests, add
all style/geometry OL3 tests, fix OL3 fill bug
2015/11/11 0.32.0 Leaflet major code refactor, PEP8 E501 compliance, OL3 no
brush fill, Leaflet layers with no geometry, Leaflet simple polygon unit test
2015/10/22 0.31.1 Fix error retrieving layer popup setting
2015/10/22 0.31.0 Layer settings save in QGIS project, Leaflet cluster error,
collapse unselected layers, avoid legendInterface, Leaflet WFS errors, clear
layers between unit tests, further test suite development (incomplete)
2015/10/20 0.30.0 General settings save per-project
2015/10/14 0.29.0 Upgrade OL3 to 3.10.1, update and correct README, tidy README
markup, avoid readlines(), changelog typo, OL3 incorrect var name, remove old
unused Leaflet label code, OL3 point radius from QGIS
2015/10/08 0.28.0 Get "Highlight features" style, map background colour, and map
title from QGIS,  OL3 style export fails if no font-size set
2015/10/05 0.27.0 New help tab and credits, Leaflet line style, IO error
2015/10/01 0.26.0 Leaflet show popups on hover, extraneous quotes in OL3
2015/09/29 0.25.0 Leaflet pass maxZoom to basemaps, OL3 label improvements, OL3
point highlight code improvements, Leaflet highlight features, autolink OL3
property values, Leaflet WFS deduplication, Leaflet layer style code
improvements, metadata changelog typos
2015/09/23 0.24.0 OL3 popup layout improvements, OL3 label improvements, Leaflet
label improvements, Leaflet labels appear over popups, catch font marker and
vector field marker exceptions, "Highlight features" doesn't highlight points,
catch marker line exceptions
2015/09/21 0.23.3 OL3 "Highlight features" breaks "Show popups on hover"
2015/09/18 0.23.2 Leaflet "Match CRS" with "Fit to layers extent", Leaflet
"baseMaps is not defined"
2015/09/18 0.23.1 Fit to layers extent with clustering in Leaflet fixed, further
unit test work (still not complete)
2015/09/08 0.23.0 Added test data and suite of unit tests (not yet fully
functional), broken marker image in local Leaflet geolocate
2015/09/04 0.22.0 Upgrade Leaflet to 0.7.5, upgrade OL3 to 3.8.2, SVG errors,
OL3 labelling errors
2015/08/13 0.21.4 Replace hard-coded values with QGIS constants, pass preview
exceptions to preview frame, remove pluginLayers from layer list
2015/08/11 0.21.3 Fix raster/WMS regression
2015/08/10 0.21.2 Replace str() with unicode() throughout, ignore layers with no
geometry, tidy output, handle 2.5D geometries, catch exception on initial
preview, preserve layer stacking order when changing layer visibility via layer
list (thanks to
2015/07/17 0.21.1 Fix unbound crsProj4 error, remove legacy Leaflet legend code
2015/07/17 0.21.0 Fix crash with rule-based renderers (use first rule style for
all features), improve readme
2015/07/16 0.20.0 Leaflet legend icons for categorized/graduated layers, Leaflet
raster JS error
2015/07/15 0.19.0 Leaflet legend icons for simple symbols, disable base layer if
Match CRS selected, fixed UnboundLocalError
2015/07/15 0.18.0 jQuery removed from OL3 output, OL3 upgraded to current stable
2015/07/14 0.17.0 OL3 scale-dependent visibility fixed, default label display
corrected, Leaflet code tidied, UI simplified, map library local or CDN
2015/07/13 0.16.1 Leaflet scale-dependent visibility improvement, Leaflet
simpleline error
2015/07/10 0.16.0 Leaflet scale-dependent visibility, code improvements (PEP8
and Pylint), export icon corrected, changelog and readme updated
2015/07/09 0.15.0 UI altered, preview on plugin launch, mouse clicks in unit
tests, options enabled/disabled per output format
2015/07/07 0.14.1 Fixed export failures
2015/07/06 0.14.0 BROKEN Travis build success, minimum QGIS version 2.4
2015/06/19 0.13.7 Leaflet label default non-hover, border improvements, PEP8,
Travis integration
2015/06/19 0.13.6 Basemap fixes
2015/06/19 0.13.5 buildNonPointJSON() call failure fixed
2015/06/19 0.13.4 BROKEN Unicode error on startup fixed, Leaflet observes "Info
popup content" setting (thanks to and
2015/06/18 0.13.3 Leaflet style improvements: simple line opacity, graduated
point outline weight and pen style, graduated line pen style, graduated polygon
border pen style
2015/06/17 0.13.2 Leaflet point border width/line style, Leaflet categorized
polygon border width, "Fit to layers exten"t fixed, QSettings namespaced,
unicode error fixed, numeric settings now combos, UI tidied, UI labels not
2015/06/16 0.13.1 Fill style "No Brush" observed in Leaflet, border/fill
transparency decoupled in Leaflet
2015/06/16 0.13.0 Leaflet measure tool (thanks to,
Leaflet string handling improvements
2015/06/15 0.12.2 New mandatory metadata item added
2015/06/15 0.12.1 UNRELEASED Major regression fixed
2015/06/12 0.12.0 BROKEN Dialog settings persist, corrected typo in changelog
2015/06/08 0.11.0 Geocode user in Leaflet, Leaflet string handling improved,
export folder persists
2015/06/04 0.10.0 Leaflet address search
2015/05/26 0.9.0 Major Leaflet export code refactor
2015/05/20 0.8.0 Match project CRS in Leaflet, "Basemap: none" option,  Leaflet
observes layers list and scale bar settings
2015/05/19 0.7.0 Leaflet export code refactor
2015/05/18 0.6.2 Change default precision to 15, get alpha of fill colours
2015/05/15 0.6.1 Fix 0.6.0 OL3 regression
2015/05/15 0.6.0 BROKEN Leaflet labels, fix open in browser
2015/05/14 0.5.0 FIRST STABLE RELEASE: New logo, Leaflet full-screen
2015/05/14 0.4.3 Limit per-layer options to appropriate layer types
2015/05/13 0.4.2 Fix Leaflet styles not applied
2015/05/08 0.4.1 Fix Leaflet custom icon layers
2015/05/07 0.4.0 Leaflet layer visibility, fix Leaflet simple outline
2015/05/07 0.3.1 Fix leaflet exporting wrong layers
2015/05/05 0.3.0 Leaflet preview, Leaflet JSON minification, fix Leaflet layer
2015/05/05 0.2.3 Basemap code unified, export behaviour unified, Leaflet export
opens in browser
2015/04/27 0.2.2 New basemaps in OL3 export
2015/04/27 0.2.1 OL3 export crash
2015/04/27 0.2.0 Basemap in Leaflet export, additional basemaps from qgis2leaf,
icons fixed, toolbar icon added, QGIS menu item renamed
2015/04/25 0.1.0 Extent, precision, min/maxZoom, clustering, JSON-encode, layer
order in Leaflet export
2015/04/23 0.0.1 Initial release
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members