Version: [2692] SEBCS for QGIS 2.1.4

2.1.4 : (250211)
- Bug fixes
2.1.3 : (240216)
- UI geometry fixed
- Help updated
- Bug fixes
2.1.2 : (220516)
- Porting Help to - basic structure
- Bug fixes
2.1.1 : (220223)
- UI scaling - better but still not good...
2.1.0 : (201020)
- Changes in UI - simplification, possible keeping the setting
- Simplification of the code
- Some bugs fixed
- Larger changes i SEBCS_lib
2.0.0 : (191202)
- Complete
1.1.3 : (190923)
- Redefinition of sensible heat flux calculation. Temperature
definition is newly defined according to SEBAL. SEBAL procedure was
added to SEBCS library (not used for heat fluxes calculation).
- Minor changes in scripts, bug fixes
- Improving comments in SEBCS lib
1.1.2 : (190429)
- Changes in z0m calculation. Method according to PySEBAL was used
(see Jaafar, H.H., Ahmad, F.A., 2019. Time series trends of
Landsat-based ET using automated calibration in METRIC and SEBAL: The
Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. Remote Sensing of Environment
1.1.1 : (190409)
- Added albedo calculation for Landsat 8 according to Olmedo et al.
(Constants from R package water)
1.1.0 : (190326)
- UI changes
1.0.0 : (190305)
- migration to Python 3, Qt5 and finally to QGIS 3.+
- Minor changes in scripts
0.1.6 : (190121)
- minor changes
0.1.5 : (181120)
- minor changes
0.1.4 : (171211)
- added possibility to use layer of canopy height (calculated e.g.
from lidar data)
- change UI
0.1.3 : (160814)
- change in UI - replacing output file(s) type chooser
- minor changes
0.1.2 : (160714)
- change name of module from SEBCS to SEBCS for QGIS
- Minor changes
0.1.1 : (160615)
- Added some helps and additions to UI
- Minor changes
0.1.0 : (160419)
- New module based on SABCS SA software (Brom 2014, unpubl.)
- Help/documentation is still not available
- Some minor additions needed.








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