version 4.1.2: solved bug for Qt6 version version 4.1.1: made it Qt6 compatible version 4.1.0: permanent solution for multilingual support version 4.0.2: corrected minimum QGIS version in metadata version 4.0.1: temporary solution to make the plugin work in different language versions of QGIS, added a unit for the times version 4.0: changed the data source to the QGIS application runtime profiler version 3.0.2: cleaned up code version 3.0.1: changed default tab back to "Load times", removed intro text box minimum size version 3.0.0: QGIS 2.x is no longer supported, cleaned up code, added Python example in source tab, added plugin version numbers, made pie chart smaller, updated sorting icons, added plugin folder name to list version 2.0.5: minor UI update version 2.0.4: migrated repository to GitLab version 2.0.3: solved floating point error in table view version 2.0.2: minor update to UI, solved a bug that gave an error when uninstalling a plugin version 2.0.1: changed default tab version 2.0: added information about data source version 1.99.1: corrected "up" icon in QGIS 3.x., corrected pie chart. version 1.99: added a pie chart as experimental feature version 1.3: changed default ordering and changed button order in UI. version 1.2.1: made compatible with QGIS 2.14 version 1.2: updated to work with both QGIS 2.x and 3.x version 1.1: updated UI, added sorting version 1.0: no longer experimental, replaced icon, updated UI version 0.5.1: unnecessary files were removed version 0.5: added colors version 0.4: updated metadata version 0.3: cleaned up UI version 0.2: moved main script because of bug version 0.1: First working version
Plugin Tags