Related Plugins and Tags

QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [3329] On-the-Fly-Shortest-Path 1.3.0

* Introduced the flexjLine tool to set start, middle and end markers, with a
measuring capability
* Introduced the bridgingPoint tool, to allow on-the-fly creation of points
interconnecting layers and segments of the same layer
* Introduced the bridgingLine tool, to allow on-the-fly creation of bridges
between segments
* Introduced limit functionality to assist in running the algorithm on layers
with a huge number of features
* Change dynamically the width of the layer selecter combobox to show layers
with long names
* Introduced a button to open the layer selector for the handling of both line
layers and point layers to be used as bridging points
* Fixed calculation of fiber loss when result units were not meters
* Introduced a custom map tool with the ability to snap to vertices and lines.
Helpful for analysis of multiple layers with overlapping segments
* Unified the indexing of points and markers
* Enhanced help functionality. A file in html format is used for local Help as
well as for online, via browser
* Added several images in the help file to explain better the plugin
* Changed the structure of metadata.txt to show more recent release first
* Introduced support for multiple layers
* Replaced dock widget text with icons
* Introduced two middle markers, for a total of three
* Introduced a dialog to present the coordinates of all markers
* Introduced a formatting option for coordinates ("x y", "y x", "x, y", "y, x")
* Introduced a presentation option to hide fiber loss, for users who are only
interested in lengths
* Introduced highlight on coordinate buttons to show when coordinates are
assigned to them
* Introduced a button to store the result of the analysis as a temporary layer
* Introduced a configuration option to store the result of the analysis as a
temporary layer
* Introduced a configuration option to store the layer that results from the
merging of the selected layers, as a temporary layer
1.1.3 (not released in public)
* Better memory management
* Introduced Help button
* Update of
* Set minimum size of dock widget
* Fixed marker symbols which were not supported in earlier QGIS versions. Fixed
backwards compatibility to symbols available from QGIS version 3.0,
unfortunately limiting the available symbols.
* First non-experimental release
* Modified topology tolerance resolution to 0.1mm
* Added topology tolerance units
* Added check for unit conversion if base unit is not meters
* Added selection of CRS for measurements
* Added new results window without fiber loss data.
* Added distance units conversion
* Added selection to exclude entry and exit cost
* Renamed variables sourceCrs to avoid confusion with same name methods
* Added example shapefile
* Changes logo icon with a simpler one
* Changed the rubberband engine to cope with dynamicaly assigned points. Removed
static rb1, rb2
* Enhanced functionality for Middle button
* Support for point tool loose and regaining focus
* Created rubberband list and modified rubberband functionality to allow code to
operate massively on rubberbands, regardless of their number.
* Beautified the measurement of off-graph lines
* Added update of rubberband attributes on canvas after a configuration change
* Changed calculation CRS to be made on project CRS rather than layer CRS, to
allow 'on the fly' CRS transformations, as well as measurements with different
CRS and ellipsoid.
* Added explicit casting to QgsPointXY object, because it produced error on
- First experimental release
Known issues:
* The plugin supports only the English language.
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members