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Plugin ID: 1524
(56) votes 

Plugin for Italian seismic microzonation.

The plugin allows the creation of the database and the cartographic representation of the Italian seismic microzonation studies for levels 1, 2 and 3 according to the standards of representation and computer archiving version 4.2 (Technical commission for seismic microzonation - art. 5 paragraph 7, OPCM 13 nov. 2010, n. 3907). The software provider does not provide any warranty for the program (as described in the GPLv3 license).

Il plugin consente la creazione della banca dati e la rappresentazione cartografica degli studi di microzonazione sismica italiana per i livelli 1, 2 e 3 secondo gli Standard di rappresentazione ed archiviazione informatica versione 4.2 (Commissione tecnica per la microzonazione sismica - art. 5, comma 7 dell’OPCM 13 nov. 2010, n. 3907). Il fornitore del software non fornisce alcun tipo di garanzia per il programma (come descritto all'interno della licenza GPLv3).

seismic hazardseismic microzonationmicrozonazione sismicaitalypericolosità geologica
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Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.9.1 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 736 fpennica 2024-05-10T10:07:06.365180+00:00
1.9.0 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 667 fpennica 2023-10-27T11:28:47.729024+00:00
1.8.3 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 590 fpennica 2023-05-16T10:35:22.330717+00:00
1.8.2 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 516 fpennica 2023-02-15T15:57:16.824682+00:00
1.8.1 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 665 fpennica 2022-07-29T14:10:04.766883+00:00
1.8 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 190 fpennica 2022-07-21T09:45:59.403652+00:00
1.7 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 293 fpennica 2022-06-07T12:06:45.116357+00:00
1.6 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 439 fpennica 2022-02-28T12:13:32.772048+00:00
1.5 no 3.16.0 3.99.0 677 fpennica 2021-06-17T09:46:21.840149+00:00
1.3 no 2.16.0 2.99.0 1060 etarquini 2020-01-16T11:24:40.953282+00:00
1.2 no 2.16.0 2.99.0 607 etarquini 2019-07-26T14:38:47.581293+00:00
1.1 no 2.16.0 2.99.0 565 etarquini 2019-05-08T14:39:32.645947+00:00
1.0 no 2.16.0 2.99.0 460 etarquini 2019-04-02T12:32:08.612282+00:00
0.9 yes 2.16.0 2.99.0 697 etarquini 2019-03-21T08:53:22.043332+00:00
0.8 yes 2.16.0 2.99.0 393 etarquini 2019-01-14T11:28:26.708643+00:00
0.7 yes 2.16.0 2.99.0 478 etarquini 2018-11-06T12:09:36.284854+00:00
0.6 yes 2.16.0 2.99.0 509 etarquini 2018-10-02T14:47:45.062369+00:00
0.5 yes 2.16.0 2.99.0 457 etarquini 2018-09-21T13:52:14.444560+00:00
0.4 yes 2.16.0 2.99.0 464 etarquini 2018-08-19T22:29:40.344160+00:00

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