Version: [1544] CityJSON Loader 0.7.2

0.7.2 - 17/5/2021
    * Fix issue with LoDs not being loaded

0.7.1 - 29/4/2021
    * Improve parsing of parents and children

0.7.0 - 28/4/2021
    * Remove cjio as an internal dependency (it would cause crashes
due to memory)
    * Add support for parsing parents and children

0.6.2 - 30/7/2020
    * Make option to filter by object type allow multi-selection

0.6.1 - 27/7/2020
    * Fix issue with settings breaking the user's QGIS profile

0.6.0 - 22/7/2020
    * Add option to filter by area or object type in processing
    * Small fixes (typos etc.)

0.5.0 - 5/3/2020
    * Add a processing algorithm to load CityJSON (experimental)
    * Fix issue where loading CityJSON would not work without

0.4.2 - 13/11/2019
    * Fix issue when loading CityJSON file that contain BOM

0.4.1 - 3/9/2019
    * Improve metadata information viewing
    * Fix bug when no file is selected in dialog

0.4.0 - 7/8/2019
    * Add metadata viewer in CityJSON loading window
    * Fix issue with CRS loading from ISO 19115
    * Remove experimental flag

0.3.0 - 24/7/2019
    * Add option to select a CRS for the city model
    * All layers of a city model are loaded in a group now
    * Add option for semantic surfaces formatting
    * Update CityJSON logo








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