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22 records found.

Name Description Creator Upload Date Modified Date
Style icon Generate Global MGRS GZD polygons REQUIRES "Lat Lon Tools" plugin. The model … 1136 Klas Karlsson 31 December 2020 28 May 2024
Style icon MGRS 100km squares for selected MGRS GZD zones REQUIRES "Lat Lon Tools" plugin. Required GZD … 894 Klas Karlsson 31 December 2020 27 May 2024
Style icon MGRS 1km Grid lines for selected GZD polygons REQUIRES "Lat Lon Tools" plugin. GZD polygons … 1017 Klas Karlsson 31 December 2020 27 May 2024
Style icon MGRS Corner label points for MGRS polygons This model converts MGRS polygons created with … 764 Klas Karlsson 31 December 2020 27 May 2024
Style icon Stream delineation Creates a filled DEM from DEM tiles, … 783 Hans Kwast 20 July 2021 27 May 2024
Style icon Non-overlapping buffer from points The algorithm creates non-overlapping buffer from points … 627 V 21 July 2021 28 May 2024
Style icon Split polygon in parts based on categorized points This algorithm splits a polygon based on … 646 V 22 July 2021 29 May 2024
Style icon Centroid for largest part of multipart polygon This algorithm calculates the centroid for the … 558 V 23 July 2021 28 May 2024
Style icon Catchment Delineation Delineates the catchment for specified coordinates of … 895 Hans Kwast 24 July 2021 29 May 2024
Style icon Topographic Wetness Index Calculates the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) from … 1289 Hans Kwast 24 July 2021 29 May 2024
Style icon Center (centroid) of a line string This algorithm calculates the center (centroid) of … 564 V 30 July 2021 27 May 2024
Style icon Simple Pansharpen Tool This model takes all the steps required … 890 Klas Karlsson 13 February 2022 28 May 2024
Style icon Home Range Analysis By Kernel Density Estimation The model created with the Graphical Model … 1219 Frate 13 February 2022 28 May 2024
Style icon Home Range Analysis By Minimun Convex Polygon The model was created with the Graphical … 722 Frate 13 February 2022 29 May 2024
Style icon Count Polygon Overlap Given a set of overlapping polygons (like … 1757 Jenkins 19 March 2022 29 May 2024
Style icon Borders Given a set of adjacent polygons, this … 459 Jenkins 19 March 2022 29 May 2024
Style icon Order 1 transformer by GCPs Performs the order 1 polynomial transformation using … 399 Gabriel 24 March 2022 28 May 2024
Style icon Quick Parcel Digitizer The purpose of the model is to … 1717 Anaba 14 April 2022 28 May 2024
Plugin icon ROI-zeromean Compute zero-mean values for polygon regions of … 331 Weis 30 May 2022 29 May 2024
Plugin icon Index Grid Creator Use the tool to quickly create a … 484 Klas Karlsson 30 September 2022 27 May 2024

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